Training Experiences by Skills for HPC Ecosystems
DescriptionSkills in HPC are important for various professional fields. Several initiatives present an organization of the required skills by goals and roles. These visions, built from discussions between specialists and users, propose three main actors: HPC systems engineers, software engineers, and users. Besides the formal courses in different universities, the community has offered summer schools and similar events. In this interest, the specialists and the industry were involved in developing training on computer architectures and programming paradigms. The deployment of different specific schools around the world allows for democratizing knowledge and the creation of previously non-existent collaborations in multidisciplinary and inclusive ways. So, we propose an original non-formal school for training and development by skills, named the Supercomputing and Distributed Camping School (SC-Camp), a non-profit event addressed to students who lack financial backup, with an important focus on practical sessions and itinerant, bringing knowledge to a different country yearly.