

ML Movie Night: A Pilot Machine Learning Course for High-School Students and Implications for Undergraduate Adaptation
DescriptionThis course introduces high-school students to machine learning and NLP concepts using high-performance computing resources. Age-appropriate teaching strategies and a rapid shift to self-directed learning are emphasized. The current course diverges from undergraduate coursework in both its format and intended audience. First, the course occurs within the context of a two-week science and technology summer program called the Summer Institute (SI), sponsored by the Ohio Supercomputer Center to expand educational opportunities surrounding high-performance computing and STEM fields more generally. The compressed timeline requires teaching adaptations and a limited scope. Secondly, students are high-school aged (9-12th grades), and the educational aims are engagement and recruitment as much as content learning. Extra attention is placed on making the course age-appropriate and age-accessible; applicability of these strategies to undergraduate-level pedagogy is discussed. Positive student feedback and well-executed oral presentations demonstrate successful learning outcomes in both engagement and content learning.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20233:39pm - 3:42pm MST
State of the Practice
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