

Infrastructure for Writing Fork-Join Tests
DescriptionWe have developed a software infrastructure for testing multi-threaded programs that implement the fork-join concurrency model. The infrastructure employs several key ideas: The student solutions use print statements to trace the execution of the fork-join phases. The test writer provides a high-level specification of the problem-specific aspects of the traces, which is used by the infrastructure to handle the problem-independent and low-level details of processing the traces. During performance testing, trace output is disabled automatically. During functionality testing, fine-grained feedback is provided to identify the correct and incorrect implementation of the various fork-join phases. Tests written using our infrastructure have been used in an instructor-training workshop as an instructor agent clarifying requirements and checking in-progress work. The size of the code to check the concurrency correctness of final and intermediate results was far smaller than the code to check the serial correctness of such results.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20232:23pm - 2:31pm MST
Heterogeneous Computing
State of the Practice
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