

Rutgers Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC)
Exhibitor Description
The Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC) is a university-wide initiative to develop and implement a bold strategic vision for centralizing the advanced research computing and data cyberinfrastructure (ACI) ecosystem at Rutgers. Acting as a bridge between the University’s research faculty and information technology professionals, OARC provides a means for efficient and effective communications which are increasing the ability to perform computer-aided research at the University as never before. Working together across all Rutgers campuses in New Brunswick/Piscataway, Newark, Camden, and RBHS, the Office of Advanced Research Computing provides the university community with strategic ACI leadership, coordinated investments in ACI and related expertise, and nurtured cyberinfrastructure-enabled multidisciplinary research. OARC leads the Eastern Regional Network (ERN), a coalition of universities, network providers, and industry partners focused on research collaboration. To learn more about OARC, visit: To learn more about ERN, visit: