CCS/JCAHPC, University of Tsukuba
Exhibitor Description
The CCS promotes "multidisciplinary computational science" based on the fusion between computational science and computer science. For the purpose, the CCS develops high-performance computing systems by the "co-design." The scientific research areas cover particle physics, astrophysics, nuclear physics, nano-science, life science, environmental science, and information science.
The CCS was reorganized in April 2004, from the preceding center, Center for Computational Physics that was established in 1992. The CCS is the institute for the research mentioned above fields and the joint-use facility for outside researchers. Since 2010, the CCS has been approved as a national core-center, Advanced Interdisciplinary Computational Science Collaboration Initiative (AISCI), by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The CCS aims at playing a significant role in the development of the Multidisciplinary Computational Science.