Open Cloud Infrastructure Solutions to Run HPC Workloads
DescriptionCloud-native methods are increasingly used for HPC infrastructure. The advantages claimed include agility in system management and flexible support of new and evolving workflows.
In the last ten years, open cloud infrastructure has become widespread in scientific computing and OpenStack is the dominant open source cloud solution. The OpenStack Scientific SIG represents this community.
This session brings together leading practitioners of OpenStack and related technologies for open solutions in production operations. The session will present current use cases of cloud-native open infrastructure. The advantages and challenges of this approach will be presented. Attendees will be invited to share experiences.
In the last ten years, open cloud infrastructure has become widespread in scientific computing and OpenStack is the dominant open source cloud solution. The OpenStack Scientific SIG represents this community.
This session brings together leading practitioners of OpenStack and related technologies for open solutions in production operations. The session will present current use cases of cloud-native open infrastructure. The advantages and challenges of this approach will be presented. Attendees will be invited to share experiences.
Session Leader/Speaker
Event Type
Birds of a Feather
TimeTuesday, 14 November 20235:15pm - 6:45pm MST
Cloud Computing