

From Bugs to Breakthroughs: Harnessing HPC Software Debuggers for Success
DescriptionDebugging today’s complex HPC applications can be a challenge, often requiring multiple hardware technologies, different software libraries to facilitate parallelism, applications built with multiple languages, handling issues of scale, and working on remote clusters. This all creates a complex environment that makes it difficult to find and fix problems in code.

This interactive session highlights the important debugging technologies and techniques for effectively finding and solving challenging issues in HPC applications. You will learn:

• The advantages of parallel debuggers over traditional debuggers
• How to simultaneously debug CPU and either NVIDIA GPU or AMD GPU code
• How to easily debug hybrid MPI and OpenMP applications
• How to combine advanced debugging features to efficiently tackle tough parallel problems
• How to leverage powerful tools such as reverse debugging and memory debugging to solve elusive bugs

Taking full advantage of the TotalView debugger's many features will help you improve your productivity by streamlining the debugging process and reducing the time and effort required to identify and fix bugs. You'll also enhance the scalability of your application by gaining insights into the parallel execution of your program.

Being able to identify and resolve hard-to-find errors will result in more robust, reliable HPC applications.
Event Type
Exhibitor Forum
TimeWednesday, 15 November 20234:30pm - 5pm MST
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Fault Handling and Tolerance
Large Scale Systems
Programming Frameworks and System Software
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