

Launching the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) through a Coordinated Pilot
DescriptionThe National AI Initiative Act of 2020 established the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Task Force to investigate establishing a national infrastructure for AI research. After 18 months, the task force produced a report detailing a vision for the NAIRR as a widely accessible US national infrastructure comprised of a set of federated resources including high performance computing, cloud computing, testbeds, software and datasets with accompanying user support and educational and training materials. The overarching goal of the envisioned NAIRR is to strengthen and democratize the U.S. AI innovation ecosystem by spurring innovation, increasing the diversity of talent in AI, improving US AI R&D capacity, and advancing trustworthy AI, including increasing research opportunities in critical areas such as testing and evaluation, bias mitigation, AI safety and privacy.

Today, a US Government Interagency Working Group led by OSTP and NSF is deploying a NAIRR pilot to demonstrate the value, capabilities, and impact of the NAIRR concept, reach broad communities, expose technical issues early, and test drive the proposed NAIRR governance structure. This talk will describe the latest status and plans for the NAIRR pilot.
Event Type
Invited Talk
TimeTuesday, 14 November 20231:30pm - 2:15pm MST
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
HPC Infrastructure
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