

Computing and Culture
DescriptionWhat do culture and identity have to do with computing, including HPC? This talk will initiate a conversation - A conversation about the ways in which an awareness of and attention to individual identities and workplace culture can positively impact your creativity, innovation, and productivity. Computing was created to be taught to everyone but it has become more narrow. In addition to computational systems and algorithmic processes, advanced computing capabilities also involve societal impact. The decisions about what is worthy of investigation, what problems get addressed (and funded) what is acceptable evidence of success, and so forth are influenced by who we are. These lived experiences represent a rich repository from which to draw phenomenal ideas. With the aim of urging reflection, this talk is intended to spur discussion about what Tissenbaum and colleagues (2021) refer to as “more diverse, equitable, and meaningful endpoints.”
Event Type
Invited Talk
TimeThursday, 16 November 20238:40am - 9:20am MST
HPC in Society
Registration Categories