How to Build a Successful Mentorship Relationship
SessionEarly Career Program
DescriptionMentorship is a dynamic, career-long phenomenon spanning many different relationships that support our personal and professional development. A wealth of scholarship on mentorship practices has emerged across many disciplines studying how mentorship happens in the workplace, its benefits, and what companies can do to foster those relationships. Of note, numerous studies have linked mentorship with diversity and inclusion; mentorship can support the growth and retention of workers from underrepresented and marginalized groups by “bringing them into the fold” and empowering them. As a software engineering researcher, Reed has actively been investigating the instrumental role that mentorship can play in the careers of women and LGBTQIA+ individuals in tech. In this talk, he will make the case for how we can leverage these insights to build stronger mentor-mentee relationships and to foster more inclusive and equitable communities.
Event Type
Early Career Program
TimeMonday, 13 November 20231:30pm - 2pm MST