

Invited Talk 1: The Legacy of ECP Software Efforts, Realized, and to Come
DescriptionThe US Department of Energy (DOE) Exascale Computing Project (ECP) is coming to an end. But the impact of the project is just beginning. ECP has produced dozens of GPU-enabled, scalable application codes and dozens of GPU-capable libraries and tools that underpin these applications. The experiences and software capabilities coming out of ECP are ready for further leveraging within DOE and beyond. ECP outcomes demonstrate that the opportunity for impact on science and engineering computations is exceptional. Across the board, ECP applications realized improvements of 100 times or more in performance and scalability, leading to similar orders of scientific impact. Furthermore, this impact comes primarily from adapting algorithms and software to exploit GPU devices from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel through performance portability layers. While ECP focused on expanding capabilities for large systems, the same technical advances are directly translatable to migrating existing applications to smaller systems. For example, a problem that presently requires a CPU-based cluster can realize similar performance on desktop systems leveraging GPUs, greatly reduce energy and infrastructure costs. As the energy costs of HPC projects become an increasing concern, accelerated (GPU) devices become the path to increased efficiency but only if our HPC software stacks can deliver the performance potential. The true legacy of ECP will be how it advanced the development of application codes and established a stack of libraries and tools to be leveraged by the broader HPC community. ECP provides a foundation for transforming HPC applications to realize their performance potential on GPUs and future accelerated devices.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20239:15am - 10am MST
Heterogeneous Computing
Large Scale Systems
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