

WHPC@SC23 – Strength in Unity: Fostering Tech Career Persistence
DescriptionWith regard to diversity, many of us start our careers in computing with enthusiasm and potential, but as we progress through different career stages, our representation dwindles. In simpler terms, we're well-represented in the early stages of our careers but less so as we advance. In this discussion, I'd like to share insights I've gained from facilitating the ECP High-Performance Computing Workforce Development and Retention Action (HPC-WDR) Group’s Workforce Development Webinar series. The mission of the ECP-HPC-WDR Action Group was to enable DOE national laboratories and their related computing communities to share their collective insight for inclusive and equitable workforce development and retention for high-performance computing.

The goal of this session is to have an open conversation with all of you about how we can foster a sense of belonging in our workplaces or schools and develop a strong identity within the scientific or technical domain. We're focusing on these aspects because research shows they significantly influence how long students stay in their majors and how long professionals continue in their careers.

For this discussion, we're all panelists. I invite you to come prepared to share your experiences on what motivates you to persist in your career and your ideas on how we can create a supportive community that not only encourages our persistence but also transforms our institutions. Together, we'll explore solutions for better workplace retention among minority groups in computing.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 202311am - 11:30am MST
State of the Practice
Registration Categories