

69.7-PFlops Extreme Scale Earthquake Simulation with Crossing Multi-Faults and Topography on Sunway
DescriptionA high-scalable and fully optimized earthquake model is presented based on the latest Sunway supercomputer. Contributions include:

1) the curvilinear grid finite-difference method (CGFDM) and flexible model applying perfectly matched layer (PML) and enabling more accurate and realistic terrain descriptions;

2) a hybrid and non-uniform domain decomposition scheme that efficiently maps the model across different levels of the computing system; and

3) sophisticated optimizations that largely alleviate or even eliminate bottlenecks in memory, communication, etc., obtaining a speedup of over 140x.

Combining all innovations, the design fully exploits the hardware potential of all aspects and enables us to perform the largest CGFDM-based earthquake simulation ever reported (69.7 PFlops using over 39 million cores).

Based on our design, the Turkey earthquakes (February 6, 2023), and the Ridgecrest earthquake (July 4, 2019), are successfully simulated with a maximum resolution of 12-m. Precise hazard evaluations for the hazardous reduction of earthquake-stricken areas are also conducted.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, 14 November 202310:30am - 11am MST
Modeling and Simulation
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