SCALABLE – Scalable Lattice Boltzmann Leaps to Exascale
SessionResearch Posters Display
DescriptionThe SCALABLE project aims to enhance an industrial Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver for current and future extreme-scale architectures, while ensuring accessibility for end-users and developers. This is accomplished by transferring technology and knowledge between academic code waLBerla and industrial code LaBS.
This poster introduces both software packages and the technology transfer process, resulting in improved CPU and GPU performance and increased interest in energy efficiency.
LBM are trustworthy alternatives to conventional CFD, showing roughly an order of magnitude performance advantage over Navier-Stokes approaches in comparable scenarios.
SCALABLE unites waLBerla and LaBS developers to improve both solvers in terms of portability (targeting GPUs for example), energy efficiency scenarios and transferring techniques between the two to achieve high performance, scalability, and energy efficiency.
This poster introduces both software packages and the technology transfer process, resulting in improved CPU and GPU performance and increased interest in energy efficiency.
LBM are trustworthy alternatives to conventional CFD, showing roughly an order of magnitude performance advantage over Navier-Stokes approaches in comparable scenarios.
SCALABLE unites waLBerla and LaBS developers to improve both solvers in terms of portability (targeting GPUs for example), energy efficiency scenarios and transferring techniques between the two to achieve high performance, scalability, and energy efficiency.

Event Type
Research Posters
TimeTuesday, 14 November 202310am - 5pm MST
LocationDEF Concourse