EE-HPC – A Framework for Energy Efficient HPC System Operation
SessionResearch Posters Display
DescriptionThe energy consumption of HPC data centers is a decisive factor in the procurement and operation of the systems. EE-HPC achieves a more efficient energy use of HPC systems by targeted job-specific control and optimization of the hardware. The project started end of 2022 and builds on the existing stable software components ClusterCockpit and LIKWID. It provides a simple, robust, secure and scalable monitoring and energy control solution for hybrid HPC clusters. The job-specific performance and monitoring framework ClusterCockpit is already used in production at several large HPC computing centers. The energy manager and node controller is implemented in a Python based prototype and will be ported to Golang and integrated in ClusterCockpit. The framework will be evaluated with a set of relevant HPC applications from molecular dynamics, engineering, and climate research.

Event Type
Research Posters
TimeTuesday, 14 November 202310am - 5pm MST
LocationDEF Concourse