Seeing the Trees for the Forest: Describing HPC Filesystem Trees with the Grand Unified File-Index (GUFI)
DescriptionHigh performance computing (HPC) filesystems are extremely large, complex, and difficult to manage with existing tools. It is challenging for HPC administrators to describe the current structure of their filesystems, predict how they will change over time, and the requirements for future filesystems as they continue to evolve. Previous studies of filesystem characteristics largely predate the modern HPC filesystems of the last decade. The Grand Unified File Index (GUFI) was used to collect the data used to compute the characteristics of six HPC filesystems indexes from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) representing 2.8 PB of data, containing 36 million directories and 600 million files. We present a methodology using GUFI to characterize the shape of HPC filesystems to help system administrators to understand their key characteristics.
This document has been approved for public release under LA-UR-23-28958.
This document has been approved for public release under LA-UR-23-28958.

Event Type
ACM Student Research Competition: Graduate Poster
ACM Student Research Competition: Undergraduate Poster
TimeTuesday, 14 November 202310am - 5pm MST
LocationDEF Concourse