

Scientific Computing with Kubernetes
DescriptionKubernetes has emerged as the leading container orchestration solution that works on resources ranging from on-prem clusters to commercial clouds. Developed at Google, now maintained by Cloud Native Foundation, it sports a diverse and active development community. At SDSC Kubernetes capabilities are available on Expanse, Voyager, and Prototype National Research Platform (PNRP) Nautilus (multi-site distributed resource) clusters. The ability to run services in Kubernetes enables execution of non-traditional workloads. This can enable some complex scientific workflows to be run that are difficult to handle through traditional batch scheduling on HPC clusters.

Kubernetes does not have a traditional batch interface, but the concepts are similar enough to allow for porting of existing batch-focused workloads to it. Users can customize their software environment in containers. Kubernetes provides significantly richer semantics, including explicit storage and network provisioning, that allow execution of scientific computing workflows typically not feasible on batch systems.

In this tutorial, the attendees will get an overview of the Kubernetes architecture, typical job and workflow submission procedures, learn how to use various storage options, and will learn how to run their software using Kubernetes. Theoretical information will be paired with hands-on sessions operating on the PNRP production Kubernetes cluster Nautilus.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20231:30pm - 5pm MST
Cloud Computing
Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools
Registration Categories