

Enabling In Situ Visualization of Large-Scale Cellular Simulations
DescriptionThe significance of studying cellular systems in silico is underscored by persistent innovation in computational models. These models can now capture hundreds of millions of cells to recapitulate physiological behavior. The growing scale of models, however, poses challenges not only for visualization and analysis of the data but also for the process of simulation maintenance. Without proper, flexible analysis routines in place, the deployment of these models continues to lag. This paper presents an approach to enable in situ visualization and analysis of large-scale fluid-structure-interaction models for real-time data interrogation and visualization on leadership class systems in preparation for increasing scale. We demonstrate the feasibility and explore the flexibility of this pipeline on a complex cell model with millions of components running on the Summit supercomputer.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20239:50am - 10am MST
Data Analysis, Visualization, and Storage
Large Scale Systems
Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools
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