

SimuQ: A Domain-Specific Language for Quantum Simulation with Analog Compilation
DescriptionQuantum Hamiltonian simulation is one of the most promising applications of quantum computing. Recent experimental results suggest that Hamiltonian-oriented analog quantum simulation would be advantageous over circuit-oriented digital quantum simulation in the NISQ era. We design and implement SimuQ, the first domain-specific language for quantum Hamiltonian simulation that supports pulse-level compilation to heterogeneous analog quantum simulators. Specifically, in SimuQ, front-end users specify the target quantum system with Hamiltonian Modeling Language, and the Hamiltonian-level programmability of analog quantum simulators is specified through a new abstraction called the abstract analog instruction set (AAIS) and programmed in AAIS Specification Language by hardware providers. Through a solver-based compilation, SimuQ generates executable pulse schedules for real devices to simulate the evolution of desired quantum systems, which is demonstrated on superconducting (IBM), neutral-atom (QuEra), and trapped-ion (IonQ) quantum devices.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 202312:10pm - 12:30pm MST
Quantum Computing
Software Engineering
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