

Using Azure Quantum Resource Estimator to Evaluate Performance of Quantum Algorithms
DescriptionThe automatic resource estimation tools provided by Azure Quantum and Microsoft Quantum Development Kit is described and examples are given of obtaining resource estimates for fault tolerant implementations of several quantum algorithms. The AQ Resource Estimator tool uses the planar, quantum Instruction-Set Architecture as the logical abstraction level where the algorithm specification and the physical parameters of a chosen quantum hardware profile meet. More specifically, it enables the user to provide a high-level specification of an algorithm, which then gets automatically translated to the quantum ISA level. At the lower end of the stack, the tool enables the user to specify parameters such as the physical error rates, the time durations, the quantum error correction scheme, and the algorithmic error budget. Put together, the tool is thus able to calculate the physical resources that are needed to execute the specific quantum algorithm.
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TimeMonday, 13 November 20232pm - 2:20pm MST
Quantum Computing
Software Engineering
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