

A Reference Implementation for a Quantum Message Passing Interface
DescriptionPractical applications of quantum computing are currently limited by the number of qubits that can be set with reasonable fidelities for each system. Therefore, a distributed quantum computing system with multiple quantum computers coherently connected is highly demanding. To realize the internode communication of quantum information, the software interface, Quantum Message Passing Interface (QMPI), leveraging the framework built for classical MPI but taking advantage of quantum teleportation to communicate between different quantum nodes was proposed. In this project, we develop the QMPI with point-to-point and collective operations in Qiskit and characterize its performance by demonstrating the application implementations. Moreover, we developed a new technique for optimizing collective communication of the distributed quantum programs with Multi-Controlled Toffoli gates. This technique beats the state-of-the-art in terms of fidelity and the number of remote EPR pairs consumed in both simulations and experiments.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20234:30pm - 4:50pm MST
Quantum Computing
Software Engineering
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