Daniele Lezzi

Daniele Lezzi received the B.Sc. degree in computer engineering in 2002 and the Ph.D. in Information Technology Engineering in 2007 from the University of Salento, Italy. From 2002 to 2006 he has been team member of the Center for Advanced Computing Technologies division of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory of the University of Salento and has been also lecturing on computer science fundamentals. From 2006 to June 2008 he was a researcher in the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Changes (Italy) involved in the design of the computational infrastructure and worked as consultant of the SPACI (Southern Partnership for Advanced Computing Infrastructure) consortium, Italy. Since 2008 he is researcher in the Computer Sciences department of Barcelona Supercomputing Center. His research interest covers High Performance, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing and programming models. In particular this research addresses the design of programming frameworks for the porting and execution of scientific applications on distributed computing infrastructures like Grid and Clouds with special emphasis on interoperability.
He is ACM member and serves in the program committees of relevant conferences and workshops in HPC, and he is chair of the PAW-ATM at Supercomputing ’22.
He participated in several EU funded projects in FP7 and H2020 programs and he is currently involved in the the AI-SPRINT and DT-GEO projects, where is PI of BSC group. He participates in the Red e-Ciencia that coordinated the Spanish activities for EOSC and in the RedSKA thematic network.
In the Workflows and Distributed Computing group at BSC he is established researcher and he is responsible for the research line on workflows environments for scientific applications whose aim is to develop frameworks to allow users to execute code developed with the COMPSs framework and other type of jobs in distributed platforms, and to make it interoperable with different deployment technologies. These developments have been proved in relevant public infrastructures as the EGI Federated Cloud in Europe and the Chameleon Cloud in USA. His publications sum 848 citations with the H-Index of 18 in Google Scholar and 13 in Scopus.
He is ACM member and serves in the program committees of relevant conferences and workshops in HPC, and he is chair of the PAW-ATM at Supercomputing ’22.
He participated in several EU funded projects in FP7 and H2020 programs and he is currently involved in the the AI-SPRINT and DT-GEO projects, where is PI of BSC group. He participates in the Red e-Ciencia that coordinated the Spanish activities for EOSC and in the RedSKA thematic network.
In the Workflows and Distributed Computing group at BSC he is established researcher and he is responsible for the research line on workflows environments for scientific applications whose aim is to develop frameworks to allow users to execute code developed with the COMPSs framework and other type of jobs in distributed platforms, and to make it interoperable with different deployment technologies. These developments have been proved in relevant public infrastructures as the EGI Federated Cloud in Europe and the Chameleon Cloud in USA. His publications sum 848 citations with the H-Index of 18 in Google Scholar and 13 in Scopus.
Distributed Computing
Heterogeneous Computing
Message Passing
Programming Frameworks and System Software
Task Parallelism
Chair of Sessions
Distributed Computing
Heterogeneous Computing
Message Passing
Programming Frameworks and System Software
Task Parallelism