

Lingfang Zeng
Dr. Lingfang Zeng is currently with Zhejiang Lab as a full professor and with the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, as an adjunct professor. He is the head of ZJ Lab-Enflame Joint Innovation Research Center, whose main goal is to R&D advanced AI chips and build large energy-saving intelligent computers. He was a Visiting Professor for 2 years in JGU, during 2016~2018. He was Research Fellow for 4 years in NUS, during 2007~2008 and 2010~2013. He published more than 100 papers in major journals, including SC, SIGMOD, FAST, TPDS, TC, TKDE, TDSC, TIFS, ToS etc. He is the CCF Distinguished Speaker, the CCF Distinguished Member, and the member of IEEE and ACM. He was on the Storage Challenge Finalist at ACM/IEEE SC06. Dr. Zeng is currently serving in the Editorial Board of JHPS and was in the Review Board of IEEE TPDS during 2020-2021.
Data Analysis, Visualization, and Storage
I/O and File Systems
State of the Practice