Christopher Simmons
Dr. Christopher S. Simmons received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas in Computational Chemistry. He is currently the Deputy Director for the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC). MGHPCC is an intercollegiate high-performance computing facility and is a joint venture of Boston University, Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, and the University of Massachusetts system. He is also the founder of TRECIS, the NSF CC* Cyberteam for University of Texas System schools. His research portfolio includes two DOE SciDAC Centers, an Exascale Co-design center in Turbulent Combustion and a DARPA-funded research center in Uncertainty Quantification. Simmons is a developer and maintainer of several open-source projects including OpenHPC, where he also serves as the Project Lead.
Birds of a Feather
Distributed Computing
State of the Practice