Vijayalakshmi Saravanan

Dr. Vijayalakshmi Saravanan is currently working as Assistant Professor, Computer Science, at the University of South Dakota. Prior to this, she was a Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Vassar College, NY and an Adjunct Faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. Earlier she was a Postdoctoral Associate at University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA and University of Waterloo, Canada under the prestigious "Schlumberger Faculty for the Future" Fellowship award (2015-2017). She completed her Ph.D. under the prestigious Erasmus Mundus EU-Govt Fellowship award at Malardalen University, Sweden as a research exchange student. Prior to this, she was Assistant Professor of Practice at UTSA, USA. She is serving as a program committee member for reputed conferences and journals such as GHC, SIGCSE and Springer. Her research interests include Big Data in Healthcare, AI, Data Analytics/Visualization and Power-Aware Processor Design. She is also a lead editor for Pattern Recognition Letters (2020), Special Issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications (2020) and CRC Press Taylor & Francis, USA. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, ACM, ACM Distinguished speaker, CSI and Chair of IEEE WIE Affinity Group at VIT University during 2009-2015, Chair of NPA (National Postdoctoral Association) Annual Meetings, SRP-HPC ECP Fellow, and a Board Member of N2WOMEN.
Research Posters