Travis Oliphant

Dr. Travis Oliphant has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the Mayo Clinic, and M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering (and Math) from Brigham Young University. Travis has worked extensively with Python for numerical and scientific programming since 1997, and was the primary developer of the NumPy package and the author of the definitive Guide to NumPy. He is also the primary founding author of the SciPy package and creator of the Numba project. He has also been an organizing influence in the creation of Conda, Dask, JupyterLab, and Nebari. During his academic career, he has worked in the fields of satellite remote sensing, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasound, elastography, and general inverse problems as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Brigham Young University from 2001 to 2007. He has done consulting work since 1997 in many areas involving science, industry, and computation including laser scattering off of semiconductors, sparse matrix calculations for search engines, mesh transformations for fluid dynamics, real-time risk calculations, real-time trading algorithms, open-source development, and many other projects. Dr. Oliphant was a leader at Enthought from 2007 until 2011 and then founded Anaconda in 2012, serving as its founding CEO until 2017. Travis founded Quansight in 2018, Quansight Initiate in 2019, and OpenTeams in 2020. He is passionate about connecting open-source communities with companies and investors and finding aligned incentives for the world to thrive with innovation.