Ian Lumsden
Ian Lumsden is a PhD student studying Computer Science (concentrating in High-Performance Computing) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Global Computing Lab advised by Dr. Michela Taufer. From May 2017 to December 2018, he participated in the Higher Education Research Experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) working under Drs. Garrett Granroth and Jiao Lin. At ORNL, he developed software tools that facilitate the analysis and visualization of data produced by neutron scattering experiments. Additionally, he contributed to the MCViNE and DANSE projects, developing visualization tools for the MCViNE neutron experiment simulation program and providing preliminary work on developing GPU acceleration for MCViNE. His current work involves studying application performance using Lawrence Livermore National Lab’s Hatchet tool (on which he is an active developer) and developing a general-purpose in-situ workflow engine using tools from Argonne National Laboratory’s Mochi project.
ACM Student Research Competition: Graduate Poster
ACM Student Research Competition: Undergraduate Poster
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Architecture and Networks
Cloud Computing
Distributed Computing
Data Analysis, Visualization, and Storage
Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools
Programming Frameworks and System Software