Philippe Navaux

Professor Navaux, is Emeritus professor of the Informatics Institute from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil Graduated in Electronic Engineering, Master in Applied Physics and PhD in Computer Science, he is one of the most important Latin American scientists in HPC. Professor of different courses on Computer Architecture – High Performance Computing. Leader of the GPPD, Parallel and Distributed Processing Group, with projects financed by Brazil government agencies and international Cooperation with Europe and North America. Besides the cooperation projects with academic sector, he has conducted several research projects with private companies: Microsoft, Intel, HP, DELL and others. Member of the SBC, Brazilian Computer Society, SBPC, Brazilian Society for Scientific Progress, ACM and IEEE. Consultant to various national and international funding organizations around the world, and he is the president of the council of SCALAC (Advanced Computing System for Latin America and Caribe) consortium.