SeyedKazem Shekofteh
Kazem Shekofteh is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Computer Engineering at Heidelberg University. His research interests focus on GPU computing, performance analysis of parallel programs and high performance computing in Bioinformatics. Previously, he was an assistant professor at Shandiz Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran. He got his PhD and MSc degree from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in 2019. In late 2016, he was awarded a visiting scholarship at Heidelberg University. He has published papers in outstanding journals such as IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has been serving as co-chair for the Workshop on IoT, Edge, and Mobile for Embedded Machine Learning (ITEM) 2022/23, student volunteer co-chair for IEEE CLUSTER 2022, program committee member for CCGRID2023, ICPP 2023, CANDAR 2023, poster committee member for SC2023, and also frequently providing reviews for established journals, such as IEEE TPDS, JPDC, and Supercomputing.
Modeling and Simulation
Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools