Ryan Coffee
Ryan Coffee is Senior Staff Research Scientist and has been leading R&D for basic energy science at the world’s premiere x-ray free electron laser at SLAC since its inception in 2009. He is driving an integrative approach to instrumentation and co-design of computing across the portfolio of Department of Energy labs and facilities, from diagnostic and detector development to algorithms and computing, from the sensor Edge to Leadership Computing Facilities. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics is Ryan’s scientific origin and continues to serve as his proving ground for high-speed streaming data interpretation and information extraction and the optimal co-design of compute and sensor hardware. By exploring spin off applications, like his LCLS femtosecond timing solution utilized for improving resolution in PET imaging, there is an emerging need for cross-discipline secure federated machine learning with data and model provenance tracking which has come to be one of Ryan’s core foci. Outside of SLAC, Ryan serves on the advisory board of the non-profit, Enterprise Neurosystem, a community leveraging open-source and maker-friendly technologies to help ensure climate, agricultural, and economic resilience to emerging global challenges domestically and internationally through partnerships across the technology sector and with the USDA, the Department of State, and the UN.
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Distributed Computing