Valeria Cardellini
Valeria Cardellini is associate professor of computer science at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy. She received the Doctorate degree in computer science from Tor Vergata University of Rome in 2001. Her research interests are in the field of distributed computing systems, with a focus on Cloud systems and services. She has co-authored more than 130 publications in international journals, conference proceedings and books. She is Associate Editor of IEEE TPDS and Elsevier JPDC. She was general chair of ICPE 2023, TPC co-chair of ACM DEBS 2022 Industry and Applications track, IEEE/ACM UCC 2018 and IEEE ICFC 2020. She has served as TPC member of more than 80 international conferences in the fields of distributed and parallel computing and performance, and as frequent reviewer for highly ranked journals.
Cloud Computing
Distributed Computing
Edge Computing
Large Scale Systems