Patricia A. Grubel
Patricia Grubel is a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Pat is the project lead of the Build and Execute Environment (BEE), a workflow orchestration system for complex scientific computer simulations. Current interests include improvement of scientific workflows, software engineering for sustainability and reliability, future architectures, and profiling scientific applications on leading-edge architectures. Pat earned BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering followed by thirteen years of engineering experience, working for DoD and industry before taking time to care for family. During her "break" she was an instructor for community college courses and tutored college and high school students. Due to her passion for engineering and software development, she urged many students to pursue careers in STEM. Her interest in STEM continued, and she decided to pursue a doctorate in Computer and Electrical Engineering, specializing in computer architecture and was awarded a PhD in 2016 from New Mexico State University.