

Yang You is a professor at the National University of Singapore. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley. His advisor is Prof. James Demmel, who was the former chair of the Computer Science Division and EECS Department. Yang You's research interests include Parallel/Distributed Algorithms, High-Performance Computing, and Machine Learning. The focus of his current research is scaling up deep neural networks training on distributed systems or supercomputers. In 2017, his team broke the world record of ImageNet training speed, which was covered by the technology media like NSF, ScienceDaily, Science NewsLine, and i-programmer. In 2019, his team broke the world record of BERT training speed. The BERT training techniques have been used by many tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and NVIDIA. Yang You’s LARS and LAMB optimizers are available in industry benchmark MLPerf. He is a winner of the IPDPS 2015 Best Paper Award (0.8%), ICPP 2018 Best Paper Award (0.3%) and ACM/IEEE George Michael HPC Fellowship. Yang You is a Siebel Scholar and a winner of Lotfi A. Zadeh Prize. For more information, please check his lab’s homepage at