Session <Full Schedule · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · My Schedule · Happening Now · MapsMore…Search ProgramMy ScheduleHappening NowMapsWorkshop: 5th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC (CANOPIE-HPC)Session ChairsAndrew YoungeSandia National LaboratoriesRichard Shane CanonLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)Alberto MadonnaSwiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)Laurie A. StepheyLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)Event TypeWorkshopTimeMonday, 13 November 20239am - 12:30pm MSTLocation607Registration Categories W Presentations9:00am - 9:01am MSTCanopie-HPCOrganizersLaurie StepheyShane CanonAndrew YoungeAlberto Madonna9:01am - 9:10am MSTCANOPIE-HPC– Introduction and WelcomePresentersAlberto MadonnaLaurie StepheyShane CanonAndrew Younge9:10am - 9:35am MSTSurvey of Adaptive Containerization Architectures for HPCAuthor/PresentersNina MujkanovicJuan J. DurilloNicolay J. HammerTiziano Müller9:35am - 9:40am MSTHPC Container ConformanceAuthor/PresenterChristian Kniep9:40am - 9:45am MSTKubeflow-as-a-Service on HPC clusters – First ExperiencesAuthor/PresentersMohsin Ahmed ShaikhNasr HussainIslam ElmasSaber Feki9:45am - 9:50am MSTPreemptive Scheduling of Stateful GPU-Intensive HPC Applications in KubernetesPresentersRadostin StoyanovAdrian ReberWesley Armour9:50am - 9:55am MSTEnabling Performance for NGC Containers on the Slingshot 11 InterconnectAuthor/PresenterAlberto Madonna9:55am - 10:00am MSTLightweight Isolation for HPC ApplicationsAuthor/PresenterMohak Chadha10:00am - 10:30am MSTCanopie-HPC – Morning Break10:30am - 10:55am MSTCharliecloud’s Layer-Free, Git-Based Container Build CacheAuthor/PresentersReid PriedhorskyJordan OgasClaude H. (Rusty) Davis IVZ. Noah HounshelAshlyn LeeBenjamin StormerR. Shane Goff10:55am - 11:00am MSTNew Root Emulation Mode for Charliecloud Using seccompAuthor/PresenterMegan Phinney11:00am - 11:05am MSTeBPF-Based Performance Fingerprint of Containerized HPC ApplicationsAuthor/PresenterMaximilian Hoeb11:05am - 11:30am MSTUnderstanding Energy Performance of Containers Deployment on HPC-Based Post-Moore PlatformsAuthor/PresentersPablo RojasCarlos Jaime Barrios HernandezLuiz Steffenel11:30am - 11:55am MSTPerspectives and Experiences Supporting Containers for Research Computing at the Texas Advanced Computing CenterAuthor/PresentersErik FerlantiWilliam J. AllenErnesto A. B. F. LimaYinzhi WangJohn M. Fonner11:55am - 12:00pm MSTEarly Experiences with Charliecloud for HPCAuthor/PresenterRichard Lawrence12:00pm - 12:05pm MSTComputing-as-a-Service Infrastructure for Accelerating Digital EngineeringAuthor/PresentersEric HoKevin Pedretti12:05pm - 12:10pm MSTThe Story of Spin: Five Years Supporting Science with Container-Based Services at NERSCAuthor/PresentersStefan LasiewskiCory Snavely12:10pm - 12:30pm MSTCANOPIE-HPC Community Discussion/Open Q&AModeratorsAlberto MadonnaLaurie Stephey