

Less Worrying, More Learning, More Sharing – Ways to Embrace IPv6
DescriptionIPv6 is quickly becoming the dominant protocol on the internet. As the global transition from IPv4 to IPv6 continues, many ISPs are now seeing over 50% of their traffic via IPv6. SCinet22 saw wireless IPv6 traffic ranging from 35-55%. This BoF continues the engagement from SC22 with discussions centered on international migration efforts, cyber security, HPC, IPAM and real-time IPv6 usage from SCinet23! Join our discussion on the efforts, implications and challenges for transitioning HPC, data centers and networks. Ask questions, provide updates, and hear from others about their real-world experience - learn all the ways you can embrace IPv6.
Event Type
Birds of a Feather
TimeTuesday, 14 November 20235:15pm - 6:45pm MST
Architecture and Networks
Registration Categories