Kate Robinson

Kate Robinson is an accomplished Network Engineer, currently working for the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet). Her journey at ESnet began in 2019, following a 15-year tenure in higher education. Kate holds an undergraduate degree in computer science from Western Colorado University and furthered her academic pursuits with a master's in telecommunications from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Kate's interest in advancing networking technologies and innovations led her to volunteer for SC since 2017. Throughout her involvement with SCinet, Kate has held various roles, including guiding the WAN team and heading the NRE team. In 2023, she assumed the role of Technical Director, leading the technical aspects of building and designing the network for SC23. SCinet at SC23 has undertaken an initiative centered around IPv6 deployment. The volunteers are exploring efforts to deploy IPv6-only networking configurations and diligently documenting their work to benefit the wider community.
Birds of a Feather
Architecture and Networks