

I Am HPC: Impact and Future Directions of HPC
DescriptionThe panel focuses on the people and social impact of the HPC community. We explore some of the major impacts of HPC on scientific discovery and society as well as some of its future technical and applications directions. The discussion will be engaging and exciting, including many different perspectives on these issues.

High-performance computing has significantly impacted scientific discovery in many areas such as climate modeling, materials design, cosmology, biology, computing to name a few. It has significantly reduced the time to scientific discoveries via simulations that provide new insights and new directions for experiments. HPC is critical to the training and inference for AI, which is used in many areas including the humanities, life sciences, physical sciences, sociology, and more. Further, HPC has had societal impacts on our daily lives including faster drug design, addressing threats posed by COVID-19, and climate modeling for better predictions and the implications for proactive responses to mitigate and adapt to climate changes.

The collective impact of the people in the HPC community is significant, and the community is growing to bring about additional directions for impact.
Event Type
I Am HPC Plenary
TimeMonday, 13 November 20235:30pm - 6:45pm MST
Registration Categories