Valerie Taylor

Valerie Taylor is the Director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division and Argonne Distinguished Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. Prior to joining Argonne, she was the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering and a Regents Professor and the Royce E. Wisenbaker Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. In 2003, she joined Texas A&M University as the Department Head of CSE, where she remained in that position until 2011. Prior to joining Texas A&M, Valerie Taylor was a member of the faculty in the EECS Department at Northwestern University for eleven years. Her research is in high-performance computing, with a focus on performance analysis and modeling of parallel, scientific applications. Her current research is focused on energy-efficiency for parallel, scientific applications and microelectronics. Valerie Taylor is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, and AAAS Fellow. She is also the CEO and President of CMD-IT, a non-profit organization that creates and delivers innovative program that value and advance underrepresented communities in tech for the benefit of society.
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning