Keys to Sustainable Leadership Supercomputing for 2025+: Location, Power, and Flexibility
SessionSustainable Supercomputing
DescriptionLeadership Supercomputing increasingly requires consideration of sustainability (carbon-emissions) and power cost (Opex) beyond traditional architecture, system software, and application concerns. Power extrapolation of Top 500 systems suggests that next generation leadership systems will approach ~100MW with even higher power levels beyond.
The past decade has shown available power supply as a real limit. With examples of power restriction a reality in Japan, Germany, China, and the UK. These challenges affect cloud as well with numerous datacenter reductions stemming from power shortages. Further, power Opex of supercomputer systems have become a significant part of TCO/lifetime cost, limiting lifetime delivered capability. A concomitant problem as power consumption grows and climate change accelerates is growing pressure to reduce operational carbon footprint.
Leadership Supercomputing in the modern era (2025+) requires large quantities of green power and at low cost. How is this possible? We discuss three dimensions that must be considered:
1. Location: where supercomputing resources are shapes power opportunity, and thus system design and operation
2. Power: dynamics of local power grid, both generation and local competitive load dictate both power infrastructure design and how systems should be operated and applications scheduled/managed
3. Flexibility: the new challenge for operations and applications is flexibility in the time, shape, and location of computing use
We will describe opportunities that are the key the sustainable, leadership supercomputing in the modern (2025+ era). These opportunities enable 90% reduction in power cost, even larger reductions in scope 2 carbon emissions, and the changes in both supercomputer design as well as facilities design and operation to achieve. We are working with leaders in Japan and the US DOE to capture these opportunities.
The past decade has shown available power supply as a real limit. With examples of power restriction a reality in Japan, Germany, China, and the UK. These challenges affect cloud as well with numerous datacenter reductions stemming from power shortages. Further, power Opex of supercomputer systems have become a significant part of TCO/lifetime cost, limiting lifetime delivered capability. A concomitant problem as power consumption grows and climate change accelerates is growing pressure to reduce operational carbon footprint.
Leadership Supercomputing in the modern era (2025+) requires large quantities of green power and at low cost. How is this possible? We discuss three dimensions that must be considered:
1. Location: where supercomputing resources are shapes power opportunity, and thus system design and operation
2. Power: dynamics of local power grid, both generation and local competitive load dictate both power infrastructure design and how systems should be operated and applications scheduled/managed
3. Flexibility: the new challenge for operations and applications is flexibility in the time, shape, and location of computing use
We will describe opportunities that are the key the sustainable, leadership supercomputing in the modern (2025+ era). These opportunities enable 90% reduction in power cost, even larger reductions in scope 2 carbon emissions, and the changes in both supercomputer design as well as facilities design and operation to achieve. We are working with leaders in Japan and the US DOE to capture these opportunities.