Exascale Software Ecosystems States of the Unions and SWOT Analysis
DescriptionThis panel brings together experts and leads from national exascale initiatives around the globe focusing on stacks encompassing algorithms to system level software to share their insights and experiences, and to identify synergies for collaboration. Exascale systems being deployed and on the horizon feature diversity and heterogeneity of not only hardware but software ecosystems. On one hand, the variety of accelerator technologies, alongside processor, memory, networking and storage configurations, pose challenges for algorithm developers, domain specific language and library architects, and performance engineers. On the other hand, there are expectations for supporting modern software development and delivery tools for reproducibility, portability, efficiency and security to fulfill the edge to cloud to supercomputing continuum requirements for workflows. Against these backdrops, national initiatives are prioritizing and funding a diverse portfolio of initiatives to address the programmatic needs, which the panel will reflect on as a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis.