

Cross-Institutional Research Engagement Network (CIREN): Initial Project Goals and Objectives in Support of Training, Mentoring, and Research Facilitation
DescriptionThe Cross-Institutional Research Engagement Network (CIREN) is a collaborative project between the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) and Arizona State University (ASU). This project’s purpose is to fill critical gaps in the development and retention of cyberinfrastructure (CI) facilitators via training, mentorship, and research engagement. Engagements may include research projects at the CI facilitator’s local institution, between CIREN partner institutions, and through NSF’s ACCESS program. This lightning talk will detail the training curriculum and mentorship activities the project has implemented in its first year as well as plans for its future research engagements. Feedback is welcome from the community with respect to project directions, best practices, and challenges experienced in implementing this or similar programs at academic institutions.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20235:10pm - 5:15pm MST
State of the Practice
Registration Categories