

An Ising-Based Model for Qubit Mapping
DescriptionA crucial step in compiling a quantum algorithm involves addressing a layout problem to meet the device's layout constraints. The Qubit Mapping and Routing (QMR) problem aims to minimize the number of SWAP gates added to the circuit to fulfill NISQ hardware's connectivity constraints. Although this problem is NP-hard, finding solutions quickly is vital as it is part of the compilation process.

In this research, we present the QMR problem as a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization problem (QUBO) and utilize specialized hardware, the Fujitsu Digital Annealer, for faster solving. Experiments on various benchmarks are conducted, comparing our approach to popular methods like Qiskit and tket. Remarkably, our method achieves the optimal solutions for almost all instances in the QUEKO benchmark, outperforming other solvers significantly. Furthermore, we demonstrate our approach's superior performance in various instances when compared to other application-specific quantum circuits.
Event Type
TimeMonday, 13 November 20234:10pm - 4:30pm MST
Quantum Computing
Software Engineering
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