Analysis of MURaM – A Solar Physics Application, for Scalability, Performance, and Portability
DescriptionWith the advent of GPUs in parallel computing several languages, tools and compilers are being developed. Many impactful applications can benefit from the performance capabilities these GPUs provide, but moving large, complex code bases to GPU execution often poses many hurdles and growing pains as developers adapt unfamiliar programming models and interface with increasingly complex, but powerful hardwares. Our work discusses experiences using OpenACC to bring GPU acceleration to MURaM, a state-of-the-art solar physics application, including various problems we have explored and overcome to bring better performance portability to the code within the limitations of the programming model. We then provide scaling results and findings transitioning to current generation GPU architectures with strong and weak scaling on up to 512 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, observing one A100 GPU as comparable to 90-100 CPU cores, and GPUs scaling much further than the CPU runs are capable.