Alison M. Kennedy

Alison Kennedy is a Strategic Advisor for UK Research and Innovation and Emeritus Director of the Hartree Centre, whose mission is to accelerate the adoption of HPC, AI, and quantum computing by industry, leading to economic and productivity gains for the UK. Prior to joining the Hartree Centre, Alison held dual roles as Executive Director of EPCC, at the University of Edinburgh and as Managing Director of the PRACE board (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), an umbrella organization of leading European HPC centers offering pan-European services. She began her working life as a real-time systems programmer in industry, progressing to roles in software product management and in sales before moving into HPC. These varied experiences all reinforced her belief in the importance of high quality software . She has now worked in HPC for more than 30 years. Alison is also a co-founder of Women in HPC (WHPC).