

RSEs in HPC Centers: Funding, Coordinating, Doing
DescriptionResearch Software Engineering (RSEng) as a professional designation has grown over the last 10+ years in industry, academia, and government sectors. Within HPC centers, Research Software Engineers (RSE) fill the role of combining software engineering expertise with the in-depth process of participating in and applying research. In this panel, we invite practicing RSEs, funders, university, and HPC center leaders who are experienced and dedicated to Research Software Engineering to present their varying perspectives on funding, managing, and doing RSEng within worldwide HPC centers. The moderator is Daniel S. Katz (Chief Scientist, NCSA; co-founder, US-RSE), and panelists are Gabrielle Allen (Director, School of Computing, University of Wyoming), Neil Chue Hong (EPCC, University of Edinburgh; Director, Software Sustainability Institute), Alison Kennedy (Strategic Advisor, UK Research and Innovation), Fabio Kon (Special Advisor, São Paulo Research Foundation), and Miranda Mundt (RSE, Sandia National Laboratories; Steering Committee Member, US-RSE).
Event Type
TimeTuesday, 14 November 202310:30am - 12pm MST
Software Engineering
Registration Categories