

Neil Chue Hong (he/him) is Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI). He is part of the senior management team for EPCC, the UK’s leading center of supercomputing and data science expertise. Neil was an RSE working on machine vision and database projects even before the term was coined at an SSI workshop in 2012 — the SSI has supported the RSE community ever since. Recent work includes the FAIR Principles for Research Software, guidance on software citation, and work on digital skills for OECD and reproducibility for NISO. Neil chairs the Steering Committee for ExCALIBUR, the UK’s exascale program, is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Open Research Software, co-organizer of the SE4Science workshop series, an advocate for The Carpentries, and a Fellow of the British Computer Society.