John Davis
John D. Davis has published over 30-refereed conference and journal papers in Computer Architecture (ASIC and FPGA-based domain-specific accelerators, non-volatile memories, and processor design), Distributed Systems, and Bioinformatics. He also holds over 35 issued or pending patents in the USA and Europe. He has designed and built distributed storage systems in research and as products. John has led the entire product strategy, roadmap, and execution for a big data and analytics company. He has worked in research at Microsoft Research, where he also co-advised 4 PhDs, as well as large and small start-up companies. John holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington. He also holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. At BSC, John led all RISC-V R&D activities, including: The MEEP project , the eProcesor project, and the European PILOT project. He also led several industrial research collaborations, all centered around a full open source ecosystem from software down to hardware, open-source processors, and accelerators. John is the founder and chair of the RISC-V Special Interest Group on High-Performance Computing (SIG-HPC).
Chair of Sessions
Architecture and Networks
Hardware Technologies