Massoud Pedram

Dr. Pedram served as the Technical Chair and General Chair of the ISLPED in 1996 and 1997, respectively. He has published four books, 80 journal papers and more than 200 technical conference papers. His research has received a number of awards including two ICCD Best Papers, two DAC Best Papers, and an IEEE T-VLSI Best Paper. He is a recipient of the NSF's Young Investigator Award (1994) and the Presidential Faculty Fellows Award (1996). Dr. Pedram is a Fellow of the IEEE, VP of Publications for the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, an IEEE Solid State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer, a board member of the ACM Interest Group on Design Automation, and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design. His current work focuses on design methodologies and techniques for low power electronics, power conversion and regulation, and timing, power, and temperature analysis of CMOS VLSI circuits.