Session <Full Schedule · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · My Schedule · Happening Now · MapsMore…Search ProgramMy ScheduleHappening NowMapsWorkshop: EduHPC-23: Workshop on Education for High Performance ComputingSession ChairsDavid P. BundeKnox CollegeApan QasemTexas State UniversitySatish PuriMissouri University of Science and TechnologyGeorge K. ThiruvathukalLoyola University, ChicagoSushil K. PrasadUniversity of Texas, San AntonioEvent TypeWorkshopTimeMonday, 13 November 20231:30pm - 5:30pm MSTLocation506Tags Education State of the Practice Registration Categories W Presentations1:30pm - 1:31pm MSTEduHPC-23: Workshop on Education for High Performance ComputingOrganizersSushil PrasadApan QasemGeorge K. ThiruvathukalDavid BundeSatish Puri1:31pm - 1:35pm MSTEduHCP23 – Welcome RemarksPresentersSushil PrasadApan Qasem1:35pm - 2:15pm MSTEduHPC23 – Invited Talk by Kathy Yelick: Educating Post Exascale HPC LeadersPresenterKathy Yelick2:15pm - 2:23pm MSTTeaching Heterogeneous and Parallel Computing with Google Colab and Raspberry Pi ClustersAuthor/PresenterZhiguang Xu Education Heterogeneous Computing Reproducibility 2:23pm - 2:31pm MSTInfrastructure for Writing Fork-Join TestsAuthor/PresenterPrasun Dewan Education Heterogeneous Computing Reproducibility 2:31pm - 2:39pm MSTData-Driven Discovery of Anchor Points for PDC ContentAuthor/PresentersMatthew McQuaigueErik SauleKalpathi SubramanianJamie Payton Education Heterogeneous Computing Reproducibility 2:39pm - 2:47pm MSTAutoLearn: Learning in the Edge to Cloud ContinuumAuthor/PresentersAlicia Esquivel MorelWilliam FowlerKate KeaheyKyle ZhengMichael ShermanRichard Anderson Education Heterogeneous Computing Reproducibility 2:47pm - 3:00pm MSTEduHPC23: Panel Q&A Paper Session IModeratorAlan Sussman3:00pm - 3:30pm MSTEduHPC-23 – Afternoon Break3:30pm - 3:33pm MSTNext Generation Pathways to Computing: Bridging the Diversity Gap in High-Performance Computing EducationAuthor/PresentersAlison MeltonVerónica G. Melesse VergaraSuzanne Parete-Koon Education Sustainability 3:33pm - 3:36pm MSTTraining Experiences by Skills for HPC EcosystemsAuthor/PresentersCarlos Jaime Barrios HernandezGilberto Diaz Education Sustainability 3:36pm - 3:39pm MSTTeaching Non-Determinism in High Performance ApplicationsAuthor/PresentersJack MarquezBefikir BogaleAashish PandeyNigel TanLauren WhitnahSanjukta BhowmickMichela Taufer Education Sustainability 3:39pm - 3:42pm MSTML Movie Night: A Pilot Machine Learning Course for High-School Students and Implications for Undergraduate AdaptationAuthor/PresenterEvan Jaffe Education Sustainability 3:42pm - 3:45pm MSTThe World's Worst Optical NICAuthor/PresenterDanielle A.Dan Ellsworth Education Sustainability 3:45pm - 3:48pm MSTComposable HPC Curricula: Embracing the UNIX Development Paradigm and Leveraging Core Practices from Linux Kernel Development in HPC Training Marterial DevelopmentAuthor/PresenterMichael Alexander Education Sustainability 3:48pm - 3:51pm MSTAdding Sustainability to Parallel Programming AssignmentsAuthor/PresenterAnne C. Elster Education Sustainability 3:51pm - 4:00pm MSTEduHPC23 – Panel Q&A: Lightning TalksModeratorGeorge Tthiruvathukal4:00pm - 4:08pm MSTThe Wide Area Classroom: 24,000 HPC Students and GrowingAuthor/PresentersValerie RossiJohn UrbanicThomas Maiden Education 4:08pm - 4:16pm MSTFaculty Development Workshops for Integrating PDC in Early Undergraduate Curricula: An Experience ReportAuthor/PresentersDavid BrownSheikh GhafoorMike RogersAda Haynes Education 4:16pm - 4:24pm MSTAn NSF REU Site Based on Trust and Reproducibility of Intelligent Computation: Experience ReportAuthor/PresentersMary HallGanesh GopalakrishnanHarvey DamArtem YadrovAmir Mohammad TavakkoliJohanna CohoonSameeran JoshiAditya BhaskaraEric EideJeff PhillipsMu ZhangShireen ElhabianTushar KatariaMokshagna Sai Teja Karanam Education 4:24pm - 4:32pm MSTPerformance Engineering for Graduate Students: a View from AmsterdamAuthor/PresentersAna Lucia VarbanescuStephen Nicholas Swatman Education 4:32pm - 4:45pm MSTEduHPC23 – Panel Q&A: Paper Session IIModeratorCharles Weems4:45pm - 4:49pm MST1D Heat Equation in ChapelAuthor/PresenterJeremiah Corrado Education 4:49pm - 4:53pm MSTProgram Your Favorite Data Science Pipeline in SparkAuthor/PresentersH. Martin BückerMarieke PlesskeJohannes SchoderWolf Weber Education 4:53pm - 4:57pm MSTParallelizing a 1-Dim Nagel-Schreckenberg Traffic ModelAuthor/PresentersRamses van ZonMarcelo Ponce Education 4:57pm - 5:01pm MSTUsing MPI For Distributed Hyper-Parameter Optimization and Uncertainty EvaluationAuthor/PresentersMaria PantojaErik PautschJohn LiSilvio RizziGeorge Thiruvathukal Education 5:01pm - 5:05pm MSTk-Nearest Neighboor with Map Reduce MPIAuthor/PresenterErik Saule Education 5:05pm - 5:09pm MSTK-means Clustering: An Assignment for OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA/OpenCLAuthor/PresentersDiego García-ÁlvarezArturo Gonzalez-Escribano Education 5:09pm - 5:15pm MSTEduHPC23 – Panel Q&A: Peachy AssignmentsModeratorDavid Bunde5:15pm - 5:30pm MSTCDER Announcements and ClosingPresentersSushil PrasadApan Qasem